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Stomach 34 AcuPoint Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

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Stomach 34 (ST-34), also known as “Liangqiu”, or bright valley, is a significant acupuncture point located on the Stomach meridian. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each acupuncture point has specific indications and functions. Here’s some… Stomach 34 AcuPoint Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

acupuncture acupressure points

Acupressure for Stress Relief: 5 Points to Try

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Acupressure points offer relief from stress, improved sleep quality, and tension headaches. With minimal side effects, they provide significant benefits for patients, making them a valuable therapeutic option. This is more than just acupressure for… Acupressure for Stress Relief: 5 Points to Try

Liver 3 acupuncture point close up

Liver 3 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical Uses, Benefits

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Liver 3 (Lv 3, Liv3) acupuncture point, also known as “Taichong” or “Great Rushing”, is a commonly used point in acupuncture and has multiple functions from both a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and bio-scientific perspective.… Liver 3 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical Uses, Benefits

DNA Genetics

An Easy, 15 min. Wonderful Guide To Genetics and Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Denetics plays a key role in personalized medicine, where treatments and medications are tailored based on an individual’s genetic makeup. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments are based on a person’s specific health condition, lifestyle, and… An Easy, 15 min. Wonderful Guide To Genetics and Traditional Chinese Medicine