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Acupuncture on the back

UB13 AcuPoint: Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

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Photo credit: Jessieheqi Urinary Bladder 13 (UB13, UB 13), also known as Feishu or Bladder 13 (Bl-13), is a commonly used acupuncture point, especially for lung conditions. Location It is located 1.5 cun lateral to… UB13 AcuPoint: Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

gb 34 acupuncture point location

GB34 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical uses and Benefits

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Acupuncture point GB34, known as Yanglingquan, or “Hill Spring”, is a significant point in the treatment of many conditions locally, along the channel, and within the body. This article explores GB34’s acupuncture point location, it’s… GB34 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical uses and Benefits

3 cun acupuncture example

What is a Cun? An Effective Way To Find Acupuncture Points

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In the practice of acupuncture, precise measurement is crucial to accurately find acupuncture points. How do you find acupuncture points? One of the unique measurement units used in the practice is the “cun” (pronounced “chwun”).… What is a Cun? An Effective Way To Find Acupuncture Points

A arm with acupuncture meridians

What Are Acupuncture Meridians? A 10 Min. Smart Informative Guide

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Meridians are a fascinating concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture theory overall. There is no MRI showing that “meridians” exist per se, but in TCM, the way to understand it is to look… What Are Acupuncture Meridians? A 10 Min. Smart Informative Guide

stomach 34 featured image close up

Stomach 34 AcuPoint Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

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Stomach 34 (ST-34), also known as “Liangqiu”, or bright valley, is a significant acupuncture point located on the Stomach meridian. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each acupuncture point has specific indications and functions. Here’s some… Stomach 34 AcuPoint Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

acupuncture acupressure points

Acupressure for Stress Relief: 5 Points to Try

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Acupressure points offer relief from stress, improved sleep quality, and tension headaches. With minimal side effects, they provide significant benefits for patients, making them a valuable therapeutic option. This is more than just acupressure for… Acupressure for Stress Relief: 5 Points to Try

Liver 3 acupuncture point close up

Liver 3 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical Uses, Benefits

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Liver 3 (Lv 3, Liv3) acupuncture point, also known as “Taichong” or “Great Rushing”, is a commonly used point in acupuncture and has multiple functions from both a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and bio-scientific perspective.… Liver 3 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical Uses, Benefits