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kd 3 acupoint location

Kidney 3 Acupoint Location, Practical Uses and Benefits

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Kidney 3 (Kd 3, Taixi or “Greater Stream” ) is an important point to discuss due to its wide range of benefits and frequent use in acupuncture. As a yuan-primary point, it holds significant energy… Kidney 3 Acupoint Location, Practical Uses and Benefits

UB 25 acupoint location

UB 25 Acupuncture Point: Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

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In the world of acupuncture, there are certain points that stand out for their versatility and effectiveness. One of these is UB 25, also known as Urinary Bladder 25 (Da Chang Shu, “Large Intestine Back… UB 25 Acupuncture Point: Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

spleen 9

Spleen 9 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

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Spleen 9 Overview Spleen 9, also known as Yin Ling Quan or “Yin Mound Spring”, is a frequently used acupuncture point in clinical practice. It is the Yuan Primary point of the Spleen meridian, often… Spleen 9 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

san jiao 6 acupuncture point

San Jiao 6 (SJ 6) Acupuncture Point – Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

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Let’s explore a point I frequently use in clinical practice – San Jiao 6 (SJ 6), also known as Zhigou. This point is quite versatile and effective in treatment, which is why it deserves special… San Jiao 6 (SJ 6) Acupuncture Point – Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

yintang acupuncture point location

Acupoint YinTang – Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

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What is Yintang? Yintang (EX-HN3) is used on a daily basis clinically, as it provides a sense of calmness and stress relief for a majority of patients. It is easily accessible, and can provide a… Acupoint YinTang – Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

Gallbladder20 (GB20) acupoint

GallBladder 20 (GB20) Acupuncture Point: Location, Useful Functions and Benefits

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GB20 is a point I used frequent in the clinic. It is also on of the points that does not require deep insertions of the needles due to the nature of the location. It is… GallBladder 20 (GB20) Acupuncture Point: Location, Useful Functions and Benefits