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Lung 10 Acupoint Location, Practical Uses, and Benefits

Lung 10 (Lu10 or Lu 10) is known as “Yuji:, meaning “Fish Border,” which reflects its location along the fleshy border of the thenar eminence (Thumb).

Lung 10 Point Location

Lung 10 is located on the thumb at the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone.1 To locate it, have the patient spread their thumb outward. Lung 10 is situated in the soft, fleshy area near the border of the palm and the side of the thumb.

TCM Function

In TCM, It is a Ying-Spring and Fire point of the Lung meridian, associated with the following functions:

  • Clears Lung Heat: Lung 10 is often used to clear heat from the Lungs. It can help treat symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough with yellow phlegm, or other signs of Lung heat.
  • Benefits the Throat: Due to its cooling nature, Lung 10 is commonly used for throat conditions, such as sore throat, swollen tonsils, and loss of voice.
  • Regulates Lung Qi: It helps restore balance within the Lung meridian, which can improve breathing, reduce coughing, and support the overall function of the Lungs.
  • Promotes Skin Health: As the Lungs are related to the skin in TCM, Lung 10 may be used for various skin conditions, especially those associated with heat, such as rashes or redness.

Biomedical Function

From a biomedical perspective, Lung 10’s location and functions align with certain anatomical structures and therapeutic benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Lung 10 may be effective in reducing inflammation in the throat, helping with conditions such as pharyngitis and tonsillitis. This point’s location in the thumb is also relevant for reducing local inflammation.
  • Neurovascular Effects: Lung 10 is located near important nerve branches of the radial nerve that innervate the thumb and hand. Stimulating this point can help alleviate pain and improve circulation in the hand and arm.
  • Respiratory Benefits: Acupuncture at Lung 10 has been shown to influence respiratory functions by enhancing blood flow and reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract. It’s often used to treat conditions like bronchitis or asthma.
  • Immune System Support: Like many acupuncture points, Lung 10 may aid the immune system by stimulating the body’s natural healing responses. Its use in treating sore throats and respiratory infections may reflect this broader immune-regulating role.

Clinical Insights

Lung 10 is an important point clinically, and is a point I use especially for cough no matter the eitiology. For helping to temporarily suppress cough, or decrease the intensity, I have found from my own personal experience and working with patients that this point is very effective.

Acupressure on Lung 10

Acupressure can be done on this point quickly for 5 seconds on each hand and repeated if necessary. It is a very safe point for practitioners to use. It can also be taught easily to patients and the general community for self care. As with all acupuncture points, this may not work on all patients all the time.

Lung 10 and Asthma

A 2012 study found that acupuncture at Lung 10 effectively alleviated acute asthma symptoms, showing significant improvement in pulmonary function within 30 minutes, comparable to the effects of salbutamol aerosol (The Salbutamol group had superior results compared to the the acupuncture group at 5 minutes, but both groups still showing overall remarkable improvements).2 The best results occurred after 30 minutes of needle retention, at which point the efficacy of acupuncture was similar to that of the inhalation treatment.

Lung 10 and Anxiety

A 2023 study looked at 36 right-handed postgraduate students between the ages of 20 to 35. The study concluded that lung 10 helped to manage anxiety by “upregulating or downregulating the relevant brain regions and networks”, including the frontal lobe, medial frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobe, and hippocampus on the left side of the brain.3

In addition, the acupuncture group compared to the control group showed increased Functional Connectivity in the “right parietal lobe, right precuneus, left temporal lobe, left superior temporal
gyrus, and with cingulate gyrus.”4

The authors concluded that Lung 10 may not only be used for conditions affecting the lungs but for mental health conditions such as anxiety as well.


  1. Wang, Yuangeng MDa; Li, Chunlin MDa,b; Qi, Xianghua MDb,*. The effect of acupuncture at the Yuji point on resting-state brain function in anxiety. Medicine 102(8):p e33094, February 22, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000033094 ↩︎
  2. Han J. [Observation on effect of acupuncture at Yuji (LU 10) on the pulmonary function of patients with bronchial asthma and immediate efficacy of relieving asthma]. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2012 Oct;32(10):891-4. Chinese. PMID: 23259263. ↩︎
  3. Wang, Yuangeng MDa; Li, Chunlin MDa,b; Qi, Xianghua MDb,*. The effect of acupuncture at the Yuji point on resting-state brain function in anxiety. Medicine 102(8):p e33094, February 22, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000033094 ↩︎
  4. Wang, Yuangeng MDa; Li, Chunlin MDa,b; Qi, Xianghua MDb,*. The effect of acupuncture at the Yuji point on resting-state brain function in anxiety. Medicine 102(8):p e33094, February 22, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000033094 ↩︎

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