
Five (5) Great Acupuncture Points For Digestion

The best acupuncture points for digestion?Stomach 36 (ST36) -ZusanliST 36 ResearchLiver 3 (LV 3) - TaichonPericardium 6 (PC 6) -…

6 months ago

What Is Diverticular Disorder? A Quick 5 Minute Overview

1. What is Diverticular Disorder?2. The Difference Between Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis3. Current Treatments4. When to Seek Medical Attention5. Research on…

6 months ago

Improve Digestion Quickly With These Three (3) Acupressure Points

Digestion plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being. When the digestive system operates smoothly, we feel more energized and…

7 months ago

Diverticulosis and Acupuncture: A Holistic Approach

Diverticulosis is a common digestive condition that affects many individuals, especially as they age. While it may not always present…

7 months ago

Can Acupuncture Help With Hiccups?

Yes, the infamous case of the hiccups! - Very well known amongst everyone, I think every person can recollect  a…

12 years ago

Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis – An Acupuncturist View

What is Diverticulosis? Sciatica and Acupuncture: A Review of Evidenceiverticulosis occurs when the wall of the large intestines become weak…

12 years ago